Brief Introduction

About  us

The School of Animal Science of Guizhou University was founded in 1956, formerly known as the Animal Husbandry Department of Guizhou Agricultural College; In 1958, the name was changed to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Guizhou Agricultural College. In 1997, the current Guizhou University composed by the former Guizhou University, Guizhou Agricultural College and other two colleges, the school was renamed as Department of Animal Science in the School of Biotechnology, and on this basis, the current School of Animal Science was completed established in 2002.

In school, there are 119 staff members, including 90 full-time teachers, 22 professors, 31 associate professors and 37 lecturers; In the teaching and research series, 83 have doctoral degrees and 7 have master's degrees. In the experimental series, there are 3 staff with doctoral degrees, 11 staff with master's degrees, 2 senior experimenter and 2 associate senior experimenter.

At present, the school has 1 Ministerial level innovation team of Education, 8 Provincial level innovation team, 1 Provincial Department level innovation team of Education, 6 Provincial level talent bases, 10 Ministerial level disciplinary platforms of Education, 6 Provincial educational platforms, 1 Ministerial level scientific research platform and 17 Provincial level scientific research platform.

There are 1 professor was selected as National High-Level Talent Special Support Plan, 2 professors were elected as The Yangtze River Scholar, 1 professor was chosen as Youth Science and technology innovation leader and 1 professor was acquired National Outstanding Youth Fund (NOYF). Furthermore, there is 1 scientist in charge of the post of forage grass and by-product comprehensive utilization in the oat and buckwheat industrial technology system of the Ministry of Agriculture. There are 6 provincial-level management experts, 1 expert with key contact by the provincial Party committee, 4 experts in contact with the provincial Party committee, 3 outstanding young scientific and technological talents in Guizhou Province, 2 members of the teaching guidance committee of the Ministry of Education, 2 innovative talents at the hundred-level in Guizhou Province, 1 chief scientist of the forage grass industry technology system in Guizhou Province, 1 famous teacher of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, 1 famous teacher in Guizhou Province, 2 members of the National Animal Epidemic Prevention Expert Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China, 1 member of the Fisheries Resources and Environment Branch of the Chinese Fisheries Society, 1 vice chairman of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, 1 member of the Veterinary Surgery Subcommittee of the Technical Committee for Group Standards of the Chinese Veterinary Association, and 1 member of the Youth Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Grassland. There are 6 discipline (academic) leaders and 7 young academic backbones in the university.


Discipline construction and advantageous fields

The school cover four first-level disciplines: Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Aquaculture Science and Grass Science. There is 1 first-level discipline doctoral degree program in Animal Husbandry. There are 3 first-level discipline master's degree programs in Animal Husbandry (Animal Genetics Breeding and Reproduction, Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Special Economic Animal Breeding), Veterinary Medicine (Basic Veterinary Medicine, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Clinical Veterinary Medicine), and Grass Science (Grass Germplasm Resources and Breeding, Forage Production and Processing and Utilization, Mountain Grassland Resources and Ecological Restoration). There are 4 professional master's degree program in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture and Seed Industry, and Fishery Development. The college currently has three national first-class majors (Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, and Grassland Science). In the latest release of the Chinese University Animal Science (research-oriented) major ranking by the third-party university evaluation institution Cuaa.Net in 2022, the major of Animal Science was awarded a 5-star major in Chinese universities. It was selected into the ranks of world-renowned majors and first-class majors in China. It is tied for sixth position in the national ranking of Animal Science majors in Chinese universities.

The school has one key laboratory of the Ministry of Education - Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction in Plateau and Mountainous Regions of the Ministry of Education. There are three provincial key laboratories - Guizhou Provincial Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Guizhou Provincial Animal Breeding Engineering Laboratory and Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Epidemic Disease and Veterinary Public Health (in cultivation). There are seven provincial centers and platforms - Guizhou Province 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center, Guizhou Provincial Animal Biological Products Engineering Technology Research Center, Guizhou Provincial Pig Healthy Breeding Engineering Technology Research Center, Guizhou Provincial Livestock Embryo Transfer Research Center, Guizhou Provincial Experimental Animal Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Sansui Duck Engineering Technology Research Center and Guizhou Provincial Experimental Animal Management and Service Platform. There are five provincial bases and technical systems - Guizhou Provincial Academician Workstation, Guizhou Provincial Talent Base for Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Guizhou Provincial Talent Base for Grassland Ecological Animal Husbandry, Guizhou Provincial Talent Base for Professional Masters in Animal Husbandry and Guizhou Provincial Forage Grass Industry Technology System. There are three experimental farms and stations - Guizhou University Xiang Pig Breeding Farm, Guizhou University Scientific Research Pig Farm and Guizhou University Scientific Research Chicken Farm.

Scientific research achievements

In the past five years, the school has undertaken more than 400 national and provincial-level projects such as major national scientific and technological research topics, national science and technology support plans, national key research and development plans, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and major special projects in Guizhou Province, with an average annual scientific research funding of nearly 20 million yuan. It has successively won three second prizes and twelve third prizes of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, two second prizes and three third prizes of Guizhou Provincial Natural Science Award, one second prize and one third prize of National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery; obtained 28 invention patents and 62 authorized utility model patents; published 16 monographs, 17 unified textbooks, 4 compilations, 2 translations, and 15 popular science and reference books; formulated 10 industry and local standards; and published more than 1500 academic papers, of which more than 200 are included in SCI, EI and ISTP.

Talent cultivation

Adhering to the University motto of Cultivating virtue for the greatest good, seeking extensive knowledge and practicing earnestly, the school insists on taking cultivating people with virtue and educating people through promoting learning as the fundamental task to carry out talent cultivation. At present, there are more than 1,200 students in the college, including more than 800 undergraduates and nearly 400 postgraduates. According to statistics, since the establishment of the college, nearly 10,000 undergraduates and more than 2,000 postgraduates have been cultivated successively. A group of outstanding alumni such as Zhao Shaohua, Xu Leren, Wu Jiafu, and Gu Qingjin have been cultivated for various fields of society.

Serving the local area

The school actively responds to the strategic needs of the country and the local area, gives full play to its disciplinary advantages, vigorously promotes the integration of production, teaching and research, and comprehensively serves the economic and social development of Guizhou. Centering on the 12 characteristic industries in Guizhou Province, four industrial technology service teams for pigs, cattle and sheep, ecological poultry and ecological fishery have been formed. The school has successively signed cooperation agreements with more than 20 people's governments at the county (city) level and more than 30 enterprises such as Dabeinong Group, Charoen Pokphand Group, and Guizhou Yellow Cattle Group. Strengthen scientific and technological cooperation, actively participate in implementing action plans such as promoting rural development through science and technology by doctors, scientific and technological talents in three zones, professors and doctors entering enterprises, and the systematic project of thousands of scientific and technological commissioners, deepen cooperation between the college and local areas and enterprises, and promote local economic and social development. 

International cooperation and exchanges

The school adheres to  based on the local and looking at the world, takes serving discipline development and talent cultivation as the orientation, and actively builds an international cooperation platform through the standard inviting in and going out . In recent years, the college has established a cooperation and exchange mechanism integrating teaching, scientific research and joint cultivation of students with relevant colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, France, Thailand, New Zealand and other countries, aiming to enhance the international vision of teachers and students, broaden talent cultivation channels and accelerate the internationalization process of the college.